Assignment Due: 4/30/16
John F. Kennedy
American University Commencement Address
Delivered 10 June 1963
“So let us not be blind to our differences, but let us also direct attention to our common interests and the means by which those differences can be resolved. And if we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity. For in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's futures. And we are all mortal.”
John F. Kennedy gave his speech on the importance of peace within nations around the world, within our homes and within ourselves. I chose this paragraph for its forwardness in the sense that its promotes peace and self reflection, but it also tells us that we may not be able to come to an understanding of peace but yet we must not forget that we are all inhabitants of this earth which is vulnerable and destroyable by mankind and our links to maintain our existence as a whole is our main goal no matter any arising conflicts. We inhabit an earth full of vast nations, cultures, and different ideologies which tend to clash therefore bringing animosity, and sometimes war. JFK tells us that we should not focus on what makes us different but instead look at what we do have in common and how it can benefit both or all parties involved and by this we can start viewing one another in a different light thus promoting peace and unity. Although this passage does tell me that being blind is nothing but ignorance at its finest and one should move past it to progress, i can not help but to think how his words have yet to take full effect. It has been decades since this speech and his untimely death (assassination) yet diversity is not as glorified as some make it out to be nor are basic human and equal rights and even though we all want what is best for our children’s futures it seems as if individual gains and greed coupled with pride and stubbornness prevail amongst what is actually best.
What resonates the most with me is how he ends with “and we are all mortals”, i personally think most governments and people are more concerned with portraying themselves in a powerful way , unbreakable i include the U.S , no one country or nations wants to be undermined or less than, and even as “Alliances” formed gives us the sense of security and somewhat peace underneath all of it everyone has a secret agenda, for we are all human and we are unpredictable creatures. I can only hope that peace really does reign in the world and we can get rid of social stigmas which condemn us to no freedom and old age customs and cultures, where race has no play or part in whom we choose to love , where tolerance and compassion for one another becomes our main priority. It takes so little to act on said things and the impact that much greater.
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