Friday, February 12, 2016

Despite Negativity Americans Mixed on Ideal Role of Government !...By Katherine Pena

Assignment Due:2/13

"Some of the negative views of government are related to politics. The fact that Democrats were more concerned about government power when Bush was president and Republicans are more concerned about it with Obama as president shows that some people will be negative about the government simply because of political partisanship. Additionally, there are clear philosophical and ideological differences in views of the government that create the dynamic tension that exists in any democratic system, with conservatives generally favoring less government and liberals favoring more government". By Frank Newport (September 28, 2011,

This paragraph reminds us that the American public view relies largely on the various belief systems held by the populace, for instance, both the republican and democratic parties have their own views as to how a successful country and government should be run.  Given the highly divergent views of the main political parties in our country one can only wonder if a middle ground will ever be found. In my honest opinion, I believe that to be impossible and the reason being POWER. Each party wants to see their own views push through and while some people are able to compromise in order to find a medium , in most cases some are not willing to budge or give up on their ideal system of what should be done and what's right for everyone. Hence its either all or nothing. In this paragraph the concern of democrats when bush was in office thus giving government too much power stems from the passing of the patriot act which gave the government the right to use anti-terrorism tactics like being able to interfere with telephone landlines, emails causing a dispute for individuals right to privacy. In my opinion i feel the extent to which it was taken went on for too long and may have gone a bit far and there are other things that could have been done as a means to stop terrorism/threats. Still i strongly believe “what's the price i have to keep in order to have security”? a few conversations,emails, pictures etc.Now the tables have turned and a democrat is in office, republicans are now concerned with Obama in office, they can resort to a number of reasons why they are concerned starting with the widespread of ObamaCare causing immense controversy debating the benefits of said “insurance for all”, when republicans say the economy itself is being affected. For example many business owners have had to make some difficult decisions like cutting down on laborers and full time positions are being exchanged for part-time positions thus not giving any medical benefits to workers or forcing them to pay higher taxes. This certainly makes it that much more harder job wise for many looking for work. Many in the population myself included agree that if it were easier and less complicated with penalties and higher taxes less problems can be prevented in the near future with the economy.The theory given by the republican party is that this will crash the economy in the long run, yes it helps those who are marginalized by low income but greatly affects the businesses which keep the economy (cash) flowing.  

I chose this passage because we can clearly see that political parties are for themselves and their ideals , it's as if even if republican in office saw a booming government ran by democrats in office they would still find some wrong thing that does not go accord with their ideologies and vice versa. There's a sense of hypocrisy that strongly lingers on both political sides in America. I see a lot of this going on in many other countries but most aware of it in my native country , where political parties are more focused coming at each others throats while promoting unity and reconciliation. This creates a systematic problem that is a vicious cycle of who can make the population happy when in reality funding and spending is used as a governmental gain for a political party and not so much the people.

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